About Me

My name is Domenick Murtha and I attend St. John's University in Queens, NY. Like many college students, my main values in life are beer and sports. Although these values appear to be primitive and rudimentary, through this blog I intend to explain the impact of sport on everyday life and even in the political arena. If you all are lucky enough, I might just touch on the beer topic as well.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Visual Beauty of Sports (Remix Explanations)

-Throughout this blog I have included multiple remixes of each entry, probably more than every body else did, but regardless they are integral to my portfolio so here's their explanations.-
The first remix that I did was I added the covers of the books that I mentioned in my literacy autobiography. This just gives the reader a visual on the progression of me as a reader and the versatility of my literacy.
            The second remix that I did was for the social network essay. Because this entry fit in the least with my other entries in the sense that it didn’t really connect with sports, I chose to take the idea of the social network and connect it to present day sport topics. With the help of professor Mundy, I found a few articles that spoke about social networking in sports today, which helped the blog flow on a bit better.

            The third Remix pertained to the cultural artifact essay that analyzed the football helmet and how it affects the football community. I included five videos that really add the finishing touches on my entry. The first video shows how football was played in its infancy and really how primitive the game was in its early stages. A very important feature in this video is their helmets or lack there of. The second and third videos show Joe Namath’s famous guarantee that put the Superbowl and the quarterback position on the map. In the third video Namath is advertizing shaving along with the help of sex icon Farrah Fawcett. This video was an eye opener for owners that realized the potential marketability of star quarterbacks. The fourth video showed a play that today is up for a discussion that never would have existed even five years ago. This play asks the audience what they think about it and asks them to wonder if the penalty is truly justified. This video was put in to give the reader an idea about how the game has truly changed along with the helmet. From the first video to the fourth, the games look almost totally different and so do their helmets. The fifth and final video in this entry expanded upon my final point in the essay that discussed the market of quarterbacks and the sudden evolution of the position. The video completely steals my idea about Joe Namath and how he truly was the innovator of the off the field quarterback.
            The fourth and final remix that I added to my blog was video footage of specific moments in sports that not only defined sports them selves, but the political structure of the globe as well. The first video was a video of the black sox scandal and it just gave the reader a brief background of the scandal yet it goes more in depth on the situation by providing more detail than I saw fit into my essay. The more detail about the specific aspects of their labor hardships paints a better picture than I did during the essay. The second video was a visual and verbal summary of Jackie Robinson’s baseball career and life after the diamond. This video further supports what I said about Robinson in the essay and it shows the beautiful things that he was able to do on the diamond. The third video shows all of the known footage of the hostage tragedy during the 72’ Olympics. It also gives an at the moment description of what was going on at that time being that they got interviews from certain people. The fourth video is the final probably the most impactful remix that I added to my blog being that I feel that no moment in sports is more chilling and had more of a global impact than the “miracle on ice” call by Al Michaels during the 1980 winter Olympics. Stating what I just have, I don’t think that there needs to be any further explanation, just watch it and feel the goose bumps go up your arms.
            The remix assignments were my favorite aspect of the blog because it gave me another form of literacy to express an idea that I have already dictated. The remixes really carry my blog along and bring it into the 21st century. 

1 comment:

  1. You are so talented!! I just can't stop saying how proud I am!!
